Children, Youth and Family Training Courses

Children, Youth and Family Courses offered by SSI
Registration now open
Family and Adult Support Tool (FAST) - User - TGS-2020500870
Register by 8 May 2025 -
Certified User for Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) - TGS2020500744
Register by 2 June 2025 -
Counselling Guidelines Training: Working with Youth with Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues
Register by 2 June 2025
Complimentary e-Learning Courses
Coaching for Young People - Coming Soon!
Structured Decision Making – Vulnerable Adult Reporting Guide
Structured Decision Making – Vulnerable Adult Screening Guide
Other Featured Courses in Children and Youth Development, Youth Counselling and Family Therapy
Certified User for Child & Adolescent Needs & Strengths (CANS)
Delivering Impactful Training to Youths - TGS-2020500657
Helping Family Members Cope with Issues Arising from Incarceration of a Loved One - TGS-2020500637
Management of Family Violence: Introduction - TGS-2020500631
Management of Family Violence: Management of Elder Abuse and Neglect
Management of Family Violence: Organisational Approaches to Child Safe Practices for Frontline Staff
Management of Family Violence: Supervision of Staff in Family Violence Work
Register by 13 February 2025 -
Management of Family Violence: Supporting Clients in Their Trauma Recovery (Synchronous e-learning) - TGS-2020500752
Mentoring and Coaching Youths Effectively (Classroom & Asynchronous) - TGS-2021009573
Protective Behaviours for Children – a Preventive Intervention against Abuse
Rehabilitation and Re-Integration Needs of Former Drug Offenders
Safety Planning and Monitoring - A 5.5-Step Model - TGS-2021002769
Youth Work: Identify and Apply Effective Intervention Programme - Coming Soon!
Youth Work: Introduction to an Evidence-Based Approach - Coming Soon!
View our full list of Children, Youth and Family courses.
Featured Adult Educators under Children, Youth and Family Training Courses
Ms Alison Lim
Alison started her career as a social worker but is now an accomplished
human resource development practitioner and academic with over 30 years
of global experience in the field of adult education and development. She
is acclaimed for her use of experiential and hands-on methodologies in
her programmes, which results in learning and change.
On top of this, Alison is also a lecturer at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the Singapore Training and Development Association (STADA) and has served in various management/executive committees. She is a volunteer trainer with several agencies and carries a Master of Arts in Education and Human Resources from George Washington University (GW) among other academic and professional certifications.
Mr Benny Bong
Benny has a Master of Social Work from McGill University and a Bachelor
of Arts. He is the director and family and marital therapist at The Family
Therapist and has over 35 years of experience as a therapist, trainer and
clinical supervisor.
He is also an external lecturer with the Swinburne University of Technology and the National Institute of Education (NIE). In 2013, he was appointed by the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) as a master social worker and is currently a master practice leader after being appointed by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF).
Dr Praveen Nair
Dr Praveen Nair is currently a director at Raven Counselling & Consultancy
and has more than 20 years of clinical, supervisory and management experience
from 3 sectors (the Civil Service, the Non-Profit Sector, & the Private
Sector). He presently serves as a consultant & clinical supervisor
for a myriad of organisations that include SSAs, schools, and law firms.
Apart from being the first practitioner-researcher in Singapore to have
developed a peer-reviewed & published intervention model specifically
for local ‘at-risk’ youth, Praveen is also the first practitioner to conduct
the WDA and university accredited training programmes of ‘Advanced Counselling Skills’ and
‘Understanding Criminality in Singapore Youth’. Similarly, he
was the first clinician in Singapore to have provided full-time consultation
services on the ‘Responsible Thinking Process’ for a mainstream school.
A chartered psychologist with the British Psychological Society, and a full member with the Singapore Psychological Society, Praveen is also an MSF-certified practitioner for the management of family violence and an adjunct faculty member at the Singapore University of Social Sciences & James Cook University Singapore. Furthermore, Praveen was a clinical supervisor for the New School of Psychotherapy’s Doctorate Programme (UK), and is currently a clinical supervisor for Monash University’s Master of Counselling course in Singapore.
Ms Seah Kheng Yeow
Kheng Yeow graduated with a degree in social work and master’s in counselling.
She was formerly the head, family development and community relations with
Promoting Alternatives to Violence (PAVE) and executive director with Fei
Yue Family Service Centre (FYFSC) where she is currently serving as the
vice president. She also chairs in the Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) for
Heart@Fei Yue, a Child Protection Specialist Centre and sits in the Legal
Aid and the Means Test Panel.
She is an educator and advocate and has more than 25 years of experience in counselling. She conducts training programmes locally and for non-government organisations (NGOs) in Asia and was awarded the Outstanding Social Worker Award in 2009. She is now a freelance consultant and provides clinical supervision to social service agencies (SSAs) as well as training to SSI and other organisations. She has been certified as a Master Practice Leader by MSF and has been working to build the capability of Family Service Centres (FSCs) in Singapore.
Mr Tony Leong
Tony has worked with children and families for more than 10 years, in
both the private and social service sector. He is certified in the WSQ
Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) and has developed
programmes that follows learning pedagogies for adult learners. He specialises
in topics relating to mental health, suicide intervention, stress management,
psychological first aid and crisis intervention and has organised such
programmes for numerous stakeholders. Over the years, Tony has experienced
success through his experiential based interventions with his clients.
And he administers Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and Choice Theory
Reality Therapy (CTRT) as overarching modalities in his work with them.
His interventions are formulated with reference to strategic and narrative
storytelling, adventure-based therapeutic interventions and strengths-based
Dr Quah Saw Han
Saw Han previously worked with MSF as a clinical psychologist before heading
a research and programme evaluation unit. As a clinical psychologist, she
worked with children, young persons and their parents in relation to child
protection, juvenile crime and family issues. She is a certified user and
trainer for the Transformational and Collaborative Outcome Management (TCOM)
implementation framework: Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)
and Family and Adult Support Tool (FAST). She has been recognised by the
original developer of TCOM, Dr. John Lyons, as one of the local trainers
who can train trainers on the use of CANS. She is familiar with the process
of TCOM implementation and was in the pilot project and early phases of
TCOM implementation in Singapore.
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